পুত্রের কাছে পিতার উপদেশ-১ লেবেলটি সহ পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে৷ সকল পোস্ট দেখান
পুত্রের কাছে পিতার উপদেশ-১ লেবেলটি সহ পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে৷ সকল পোস্ট দেখান

মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২১

পুত্রের কাছে পিতার উপদেশ-১

 আত্মশুদ্ধির বিভিন্ন স্তর

Ask the Supreme Lord for help before traveling the path of holy men, and diligently perform duties on their path. And keep yourself completely away from things that degrade you to doubt and confusion.

And when you are sure that your heart is clear and humble and your thinking power is perfected and concentrated and your will is fixed on one point. Then you will think about what I have explained to you. And if in this way you are not able to accumulate the materials you desire and do not find your thoughts in a state of tranquility. But know that you are walking in uncertain and perilous ways and going down a dark path. Because, a righteous person never makes mistakes and does not walk in doubt and disorientation. It is better to refrain from walking in such a situation.


Emphasis on being mindful of spiritual matters

Son, meditate on my counsels and remember that He who is the Lord of death is also the Lord of life and He is the creator and causer of death. He who destroys life is the one who restores life and he who inflicts disease is the one who heals.

Know that this world is not imperishable, it is going on as Allah wills, in terms of various benefits, various trials, rewards in the Hereafter and whatever else He wills, you do not know.

If you do not understand anything about this world and its ups and downs, then consider it as your ignorance. Because you were first born in ignorance. Then you attained knowledge. There are many things which you do not know [but Allah knows] and in these matters your thinking is misguided and your sight is useless here. Still you will know them! So take refuge in Him who created you, feeds you and fashions you. Your worship will be for Him alone, your concentration will be focused on Him alone and fear Him alone.

Children, know! The way the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has imparted knowledge about God Almighty, no one else has imparted such knowledge of God. So take leadership and follow His guidance for your salvation. Surely, I will not fail in my efforts to advise you and surely you will not be able to gain the insight for your welfare that I can give you even if you try.

Year! Know that your Lord has no partner. If there were, His Prophet would have come to you and you would have known His authority and power, deeds and attributes. But He is a Lord as He Himself described Him. No one can raise objections to his authority. He is from the eternal past to the eternal future.

He is before all things and has no beginning. He remains after all, He has no end, He is so great that no heart can comprehend His greatness.

Since you have understood these secrets, you will now try in the field of action what a [knowledgeable] person like you should try.


Importance of being future oriented

That year! I have informed you about the condition of this world, its destruction and its passing from one hand to another. I have also informed you about the Hereafter and what is arranged for people therein; And I have presented many examples for each. So that you can take advice from it and learn how to live.

The examples of those who have understood the world are like travelers who are living in squalid and difficult conditions, and from here they will land in a region where all the facilities for all kinds of comfort and enjoyment are prepared.

In such a situation they will endure all the hardships on the way to reach their desired destination and despise the pain of separation from friends, endure the hardships of travel and the hardship of food with all their heart. So that they can step in peace in a spacious and secure location. Hence they feel no pain from the hardships of their long journey and do not consider any expense of this journey a waste. Then there is nothing dearer to them than to reach that safe abode and the city of peace.

On the other hand, the examples of worldly people are like those who want to move away from fertile areas to barren areas because of their boredom. As a result, they have no choice but to leave the place. And they suffer as they go there.


Norms of social relations

O my child! Set the standard of behavior between yourself and other people. So what you like for yourself, like for others and what you hate for yourself, hate for others. Never oppress as you would never want to be oppressed yourself.

Do good to others as you want to be done by others. What you think is bad for yourself, think it is bad for others. You are satisfied with the way others treat you, they are satisfied with your behavior.

Don't talk about what you don't know, not even about what you know little about. You don't say things to others that you don't like being said to you. Remember, self-praise is the opposite of beauty and a disease to wisdom. So go all out in your life and don't worry about amassing wealth for someone else. Thus, when you are guided to the right path, be humble and submissive to Allah in all respects as much as you can.


Savings and effort on the way to the Hereafter

Remember, there is a long and extremely difficult path ahead of you and you cannot cross that path without due effort. Lighten the burden of your sins and collect on the path of that path and strive hard or you will not be able to cross this path.

Don't take on more than you can handle. Because the burden of burden will be a punishment for you. And when a needy person is found who can carry your burden until the end of the day and he will return it to you in need tomorrow; Do not miss this opportunity and put your burden and path on his neck. So if your financial condition is good, donate more and send it with him. Because, on the Day of Resurrection, such people may be in need but will not be found.

If someone wants to take some loan in your prosperous condition, don't miss this opportunity. So that he will restore you in your days of hardship and need.

Know, child, that there is a far-reaching valley before you. So [on this journey] the person carrying a light load will be in better condition than the person carrying a heavy load. [In this journey] those who are slow will be worse off than those who are fast. On this path, your final destination is heaven; Or hell. So gather materials for yourself before reaching the Hereafter. Prepare that place before you go there, [for after death no preparation can be made] and there will be no way to return to this world.


Signs of God's mercy

Remember, the One who owns the wealth of the heavens and the earth has permitted you to pray to Him and has promised to answer your prayers. He commands you to ask Him that He may grant you and to beg His mercy so that He may shower you with His mercy. He has not put anything between you and Him so that there may be a gap between you and Him. He did not require any mediator between you and Him and He did not prevent you from repenting if you did something wrong. He is not in a hurry to punish you. He did not see repentance as negative. And He did not wrong where it became right to wrong you, and He never imposed hard conditions to accept repentance. He did not take you to the emergency court and arrange punishment for your sins. He has never failed you of His mercy.

Rather, he accepts turning back from sinful actions as a virtue. One of your sins is counted as one; On the other hand, one virtue is counted as ten. He has opened the door of repentance for you [to return]. So whenever you call Him He hears your call and He also hears what you say in your heart. You express your need before him, express all the words of your heart to him, tell him about your sorrows and misfortunes. So that he will ease your sufferings and help you solve problems.


Conditions for grant of prayer

Ask from the treasures of His mercy that which none but He can give. Such as longevity, good health and increased sustenance. Then He will give you the keys of His treasury, and that is He gives you this permission to pray. So whenever you wish you can open the door of Lord's mercy through prayer and as a result the rain of mercy will be showered on you.

Never despair if your prayers are delayed. Because prayers are granted based on your intentions. Sometimes supplications are granted belatedly in order to give the supplicant more reward and fullness. Sometimes you may have asked for something but it was not given to you.

Because, you will see very soon or in due time that you have been given something better than the thing you tried. Or your prayer was not answered because you were given something better than what you asked for. Because, if the things you asked for were given, then maybe your religious life would have fallen. So ask the Lord for something whose beauty will last for you and remove your suffering. So wealth is not permanent for you and you will not survive for the wealth of this world.


Importance of remembering death

O my child! Remember, you were created for the Hereafter - not for this world. You were created to return from this world; Not here to stay permanently. [You are placed on earth] to die, not to live on earth for eternity. So at any moment you can return from this world and appear in the Hereafter. [It is the house of preparation] and the path to the Hereafter. You will be gripped by death and there is no escape from it. Because death has the power to conquer anyone.

So always beware of death! So that death may not overtake you while indulging in sin or waiting to repent. Then death will not give you that chance and will leave a gap between you and repentance forever. If you do, you will destroy yourself.

My son! Remember death more and always think about where you are moving. Think more about where you will suddenly go after death. Until the moment of death you are thus prepared in all respects. Thus increase your strength and stand bravely and you will not be defeated by the sudden arrival of death. Beware, do not be deceived by the worldly people's extreme attachment to the world and their greedy aggression towards the world. Because Allah has informed you about these things. And the world itself has informed thee of its condition, and has revealed to thee its corrupt form.


The appearance of worldly people

Indeed, the people of the world run after the hunter, barking like wild dogs. Attacking each other; Their strong eat the weak and the big trample the small. They are like a herd of camels, some of whose legs are blocked, and some of them are left in the open field, they are lost and running in an unknown way. They are trapped in bleak deserts and sandy steppes where the pace of travel suddenly slows. There is no shepherd to lead or restrain them to pasture.

This world has blinded them and turned them away from the ray of guidance to the eyes of the Father. That is why they wander in confusion and are immersed in worldly pleasures. They think the world is their god and the world is playing with them; They too are engrossed in playing with the world. They have forgotten the Hereafter. Give it a little chance, the gloom is gradually dissipating. Now it is as if the travelers will reach their homes and those who are fast will reach the caravan. Know, O son, that he who prepares his vehicle night and day is constantly crossing the road even though he thinks himself fixed and even if he is standing still and at ease (yet he is moving across the distance).

Emphasis on being realistic in life

Know for sure, you will not be able to fulfill all your desires and live beyond the specified time. You are following the path of those who were on this path before you. So be flexible in the accumulation of worldly materials and use what you have acquired wisely. Because excessive accumulation of worldly materials often leads to robbery. So not every seeker of livelihood gets the livelihood they desire and no moderate seeker is deprived of his livelihood. Keep yourself away from every base thing even though these base things may lead you to your desired goal; Because you can't earn worth the amount of self-esteem you lose. Do not be a slave to others; Because God created you as a free living being. There is no good in 'goodness' which is not achieved without evil means, and there is no peace in that which is achieved through suffering in the Garhit path. Beware, lest the vehicle of lust take you down into the abyss of destruction. If you are able to walk without placing a resource person between you and Allah, then do so. Because you will get your livelihood; You will get your share. Getting a little from Allah Almighty is much more and more dignified than getting a lot from His servant. Although everything belongs to Almighty Allah.

What you miss by being silent is much easier to miss than what you miss by talking. For whatever is in the musk can be preserved by closing its mouth tightly. Protecting what you have is better and preferable than seeking what others have. The bitterness of despair is better than asking others. It is better to work honestly than to get rich wealth unjustly. Each person is the best keeper of his own secret.

People often struggle for what is harmful. He who talks too much talks like a fool. He who thinks can understand. associate with righteous people; Then you will become one of them. Stay away from sinful people and you will be safe. Haram food is the worst thing. Tyranny of the weak is the worst tyranny.

Treat harshness instead of gentleness where gentleness is considered harshness. Sometimes the treatment increases the pain and the pain plays the role of the treatment. Sometimes malefic give right advice and benefic also deceive. Never rely on hope, because hope is a fool's wealth. Saving someone's experience is an indicator of wisdom. Your best experience is the one that gives you the best advice.

Take advantage of the opportunity before you regret it. Not all seekers get what they want and not all leavers return. To squander the help and resources of the Hereafter is to attain destruction.

Everything has a consequence. What is destined for you will come to you soon. A businessman will take risks. Sometimes small is better than big. Just as there is no benefit in helping a stranger, no good can be expected from the friendship of a skeptical friend. When the world is in your hands, be flexible and don't risk yourself in the hope of getting more. Avoid carrying on feelings of enmity.


Friends' rights

When one of your brothers is separated from you, you establish a bond of relationship with him. And if he comes back, be kind to him. If he is stingy then be kind to him. When he wants to stay away from you, you are close to him. When he's tough, you're soft. When he makes a mistake, think of correcting him as if you are his servant and he is your eternal master.

Be careful! Do not use this advice except in its proper place (in the case of a true friend) and do not behave like this to an uninvited person. Never consider your friend's enemy as your friend so as not to create enmity with your friend. Give your brother true and right advice - be it pleasant or bitter to him. Swallow the anger because I have never tasted anything sweeter and ultimately nothing more joyful and fruitful.

Be gentle with those who have treated you harshly. Because he may soon become soft towards you. Be kind to your enemies. In this you will get the results of two actions - one is the action of revenge and the other is the action of mercy.

If you're thinking of breaking up with a friend, give them a chance to rekindle the friendship. If someone has good opinion about you, prove it true. Never consider your relationship with your brother and never undermine his rights.

Because if you neglect his interests, he will not be your brother. May your family not be afflicted by you. You do not hope for someone who is not attracted to you. Let not your brother present arguments and proofs for severing the bond of friendship with you which are stronger than maintaining the relationship. Or he presents strong excuses for behaving badly rather than behaving well with you. Do not regard the oppression of one who wrongs you as a big thing because he is only interested in his own harm and your benefit. The reward of the one who pleases you is not for him


Moral values

He is my child! Know that there are two types of livelihood - one which you seek and another which seeks you. The latter is such that if you cannot reach it, it will reach you. How bad it is to be hard when you get wealth and beg when you need it! You should get from this world only that with which you can furnish your permanent abode in the Hereafter; If you are sad about what is out of your hands, worry about what has not yet come to you.

Judge what has not yet happened by what you have seen and heard in the past, because the flow of events in life is almost the same. Do not be like those whose advice is of no avail; Because, intelligent people receive education through advice and conduct; And after animals are injured. Keep yourself away from attacks of anxiety and restlessness by the steadfastness of self-confidence and patience. He who shuns the middle path deviates from the true path.

Like friends and fellow relatives. He is the friend whose absence proves friendship. Lust (khayesh) is the partner of sorrow. Sometimes the near ones are far away than the far ones and the far ones are closer than the near ones. That person is a stranger who has no friends. A person who violates rights blocks his own way. A person who is aware of his status and position will have his dignity intact. It is the most reliable and firm means of holding on to the relationship between you and Almighty Allah.

A person who is indifferent to your work is your enemy. Where greed leads to destruction where deprivation leads to achievement. Not every error can be reviewed and not all benefits are available. Sometimes the sighted people lose their way and the blind person can reach his goal. Always delay evil deeds because you can speed them up whenever you want. To break with foolish people is to associate with the wise.

Whoever believes the deception of the world will be betrayed by the world. And whoever exalts this fallen world will be degraded by it. Not all those who shoot arrows can hit the target. When the authority changes, the conditions of the era also change. Ask fellow travelers before traveling and know about neighbors before buying a home. Be careful, avoid worthless and ridiculous talk [don't say anything in your speech that will make others laugh]; Even if it is someone else's statement.

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