Things that children need to take care of in summer লেবেলটি সহ পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে৷ সকল পোস্ট দেখান
Things that children need to take care of in summer লেবেলটি সহ পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে৷ সকল পোস্ট দেখান

শুক্রবার, ৪ জুন, ২০২১

Things that children need to take care of in summer

Things that children need to take care of in summer


The weather patterns have changed quite a bit this summer. Najehal eight to eighty in dry heat. In that one half day again took a bath. It is very difficult to control the body of adults in such extreme weather, so work should be done while maintaining the balance of environmental load. And in that case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the body of children.

Question: What aspects of children's health need to be taken care of in such heat?

We may not realize that children feel hot just like us. So they should wear cotton clothes as thin as possible. You will get some relief in summer. He should be fed with water at intervals. Special attention should be paid so that the child does not lack fresh water. Parents should be very careful. Thin cotton clothes should be worn in order not to get hot in the heat. Remember, never give children cold water from the refrigerator because the refrigerator is cold water. Children may get phlegm or cold in the chest and pneumonia germs from cold affect the lungs and respiratory system of children.

What should be done if you sweat excessively during the heat or wake up in the heat?

Answer: Sweating can make you feel cold. Children may catch cold more quickly. If you sweat, wipe it immediately with a cotton dry cloth. Make the children sleep at normal temperature at night. If it is too hot, keep the air cooler or AC at a temperature of 25 to 27 degrees. This will make the child sleep well.

Children eat in summer

Is it okay to be pampered?

Never allow children to play in Rudra during Bhardupur as it may cause allergies or colds due to dust. In the afternoon when Rudra is not present, give children time to play dust where there is cold weather environment, this will increase the intellectual power of children.

In summer, children should not eat any food in the outdoor environment or from the fountain, it can cause upset stomach of children, such as juice, soft water, ice cream, chips, etc.

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